
In the wedding are a young and hansom man sitting in the mandap and was doing ritual based on the priest order and he is waiting to see the bride.

"brother have some patience ... " said by Nitin looking at his  brother

"shut up Nitin or I will seize your bike and the credit cars" said by Raghav when his brother was teasing him.

"call the bride" priest ordered the bride family.

"Reshma  tell Ira to come her " said by Prashanth  instructed Reshma and Geetha

Maya came with Ira and her dad held her to sit in the mandap.

 When Raghav  was doing the rituals he saw  his bride who is coming to sit near hm 

"peri tho sundhartha peri" word cam out of his mouth when he was looking at the bride

his thoughts were interrupted when the priest instructed his to do  the rituals.

"stupid Raghav ... stupid ... she is will be in your life ...so control... stupid...control" he as cursing himself when priest instructed him.

They did lot of rituals and throughout the rituals she never look at him once her eyes where on the flame . He was observing her.

"hai god ... you please give me strength to lead this marriage a happy life ..... " Maya said looking at the flame which can't bye heard by Raghav

They took  seven vows and siting in the mandap in front of the  Agni .

Raghave tied the nuptial string (Thali) and put sindhur on her forehead .

Some well on the nose she try to wipe it but  interrupted by  her mother-in-law Shrey Rao "don't wipe it  child it is good sign of your marriage...so don't  " hearing her Maya made her chuckle.

They both stud up a and got blessing from elder's. All the gest in the wedding congratulated them. 

After that they did some rituals . Look at them Geetha smirk.. thinking in the mind" now your destruction of your life starts now dear ... be happy...but this happiness won't "

As the function gets over  Raghav holds Maya's hand  walking towards the care while Maya was crying .  she went and huged her mother .

"be Happy in your in-laws and don't create any complains about you" said by her mother by huging her.

She went her father and touched his feet "be happy child". her Father blessed her in emotionless face.

 "don't say no to your husband and spread your legs more so you can satisfy him " said by her Bua when she was hugging her which made her shocked and disgusting about these words 

"Maya  all the best because you are going to face the ruthless man  ... this man can kill anyone bye.. bye to your life" Ira wispered in her ear.

Hearing this she did not react because she new her parents as abended her ....she is just Verma but actually not Verma ...

Arjun held her hand and made her sit inside the car "please take care of her" said while looking at Raghav. "don't worry I will  take care" he also replied in ice  tone.

Soon they  left the marriage hall. In the care Maya was looking at the other side of the window.

In the car I was so tied and saw her she was  looking tired and sorrow. It makes me feel like something is broken. 

" have this ... this may help you in reducing your sorrow" Raghav said while giving the tissue and water bottle.

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